Preaching Lab

Set an Appointment with
Jeff Blackburn
Campus Coordinator
for the Preaching Lab
Preaching Lab Guidelines
When preparing a speech or verbal project for class, it’s easy to see the goal: a complete presentation. But what about everything in between? Writing an introduction. Making my points clear. How do I phrase it? What will the instructor look for? Creating a compelling conclusion. Will it be interesting? A speech is a conversation with the instructor and members of the class, telling them what you have learned and discovered.
The Preaching Lab can help you grow into an effective, compelling speaker or preacher. You will get to practice, evaluate, and polish your message before presenting it in class for a grade. Located in Ross-Ellis Center, the Lab offers 30-minute appointments to deliver and assess your sermon or speech. When possible, a crowd will be invited to listen to your presentation and maybe get over the nervousness of speaking in front of others.
The Lab is open during regular hours two afternoons a week. You can reserve a time that fits your schedule. You can email your outline, manuscript, or paper to the coordinator for review and suggestions.
The Preaching Lab will give you opportunities to hone your speaking skills. To effectively present the message of Christ in a rapidly changing culture, we need to prepare to express our faith. The Preaching Lab can help, no matter what type of public speaking. Get helpful feedback from a seasoned preacher with nearly forty years of experience in preaching, teaching, and public speaking.
Be Prepared to Present
Be prepared to present your speech, sermon, or class presentation as you will deliver it in class.
Review Suggestions
Review suggestions made after your presentation. This is designed to be a learning experience with constructive input to help you improve your presentation.