Why a Christian College is a Good Choice

February 1, 2021

by Kaleigh Smallbeck When you start thinking about college, there are a lot of decisions to make. One decision to consider is what kind of college you want to go to. Christian colleges are unique choice that will make your college experience unforgettable! Here are five reasons why you should choose to go to a Christian college!

1) A Christian College will integrate your faith with your degree.

At a Christian college, you are not just taking classes to get your degree. Your Bible-based classes critically engage with your faith. In this way, they reaffirm what you know and challenge your faith in new ways. For example, business classes integrate Biblical integrity with the workplace, and psychology classes look at human nature through a Biblical worldview. Christian College integrates faith into the classroom

2) You’ll Grow with the Community Around You

People from all over the world will be on your campus, sharing the same Christian beliefs and values you do!  In addition, Christian colleges offer a wide variety of events to deepen those relationships, such as Student Government events, chapels, and much more. The relationships you form here will last for the rest of your life. Community.

3) You’ll Find Engaging and Caring Professors

Professors at Christian colleges know their students inside and outside of the classroom. Small class sizes allow faculty to know you on a more personal basis. Professors also prioritize improving your academic talent and spiritual discipline while journeying with you!

4) A Christian College Gives You Opportunities to Serve

Most colleges offer internships and practicums as a part of your degree. Christian colleges do this as well as opportunities like missions trips and service projects. With these opportunities, your faith becomes a part of the experience! You will walk away with faith-based experiences that will guide you in your future career. Service projects

5) A Christian College Often Offers an Affordable Education

To help make your education affordable, colleges have a variety of scholarships for all students. Christian colleges are no exceptions! Some, like Barclay College, offer both financial aid and a full tuition scholarship so students can graduate with little to no debt. Your college years are some of the most formative years of your life. Going to a Christian college will transform not only you but your relationship with God and the world around you. Apply to Barclay College today to see how God will transform you!

Barclay College, in Haviland, KS, provides on-campus and online undergrad programs, and a Master of Arts in Theology online with eight ministry concentrations. Barclay emphasizes a biblical foundation for evangelical faith traditions and offers Full Tuition Scholarships to dorm residents.

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Learn about our Full Tuition Scholarship for dorm residents.