Please Pray for Ukraine

March 1, 2022

Please be praying for the Ukraine and our world. May the peace of Christ be with you today.

A Prayer for the Crisis in Ukraine, by Pete Greig.

Father God, King of all nations, I cry out to You now for the people of Ukraine and especially those who are grieving, dying or displaced. Lord of Lords, rescue those who are vulnerable from the hands of their enemies that they may live without fear before You all their days (Lk. 1:74-75).

Kyrie eleison – Lord have mercy.
Pause and pray

Prince of peace, our politicians are predicting that this could be the biggest war in Europe since 1945, and I simply cry out to You urgently to write another story in our time… Give wisdom beyond human wisdom to peacemakers seeking an equitable and less violent way. May politicians exercise the wisdom from above, which is peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, and full of mercy (Jam. 3:17).

Kyrie eleison – Lord have mercy.
Pause and pray

Holy Spirit, I pray for the church in Ukraine, a nation in which 70% of the population call themselves Christian. Give my many brothers and sisters in that nation courage in this crisis that they may proclaim the good news of Your kingdom by Your power, bind up broken hearts with Your compassion, and bring comfort to all who mourn. (Is. 61:1-2).

Kyrie eleison – Lord have mercy.
Pause and pray

Father of mercy and peace (2 Jn 1:3), as the Psalmist declared, You make wars cease to the end of the earth; You break bows, shatter spears, and burn shields with fire (Ps 46:9). So I ask You now to break bombs, shatter missiles and destroy assault rifles. Save the lives of many people. Make a peace that is strong and not weak.

Kyrie eleison – Lord have mercy.
Pause and pray

I hear of wars and rumours of wars (Matt. 24:6), but You Lord are our rock, our fortress and our deliverer. My hope is in You. So I speak to the nations at this time of such turmoil and say, ‘Be still and know God! He is exalted among the nations; he shall be exalted in the earth’ (Ps 46:10).

Kyrie eleison – Lord have mercy.
Pause and pray

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, grant us peace.


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