Meet Tim Hawkins, Chair of English and Literature

Faculty are the lifeblood of our institution. These outstanding men and women are directly responsible for delivering the top-of-the-line knowledge and training our college promises our students. It is their passion, hard work, and authentic interactions that help uphold the reputation our institution was built on. Each month we will be featuring a member of the Barclay faculty in our newsletter.

Tim Hawkins is professor of English and Literature and has been a faculty member since 2008. During Tim’s tenure as the V.P. for Academic Services he led the faculty through final stage of our HLC accreditation and made pedagogical innovation a priority in faculty training.

Tim holds a B.A. from Central Christian College, M.A. from Kansas State University in English, and a M.F.A from University of Alaska in Creative Writing. Currently, Tim is pursuing a doctorate from John Hopkins University with a concentration in the Mind, Brain, and Teaching.

Tim family includes his wife, Jana, and children Silas (14), Ben (12), Alexandria (8), and Sofia (4).

Students who study English and Literature (part of the General Education core) with Tim Hawkins can expect excitement and energy in his classroom and to be pushed academically. They can also expect someone who believes they are supposed to be here and can produce good work. They can expect to have effective communication taught and modeled. Tim is a professor who is committed to understanding how students learn best and who desires to create an atmosphere to promote student learning.

Parents whose son or daughter have Tim Hawkins as their instructor can be assured that their son/daughter will be valued and will begin to see the world in new ways. Students in Tim’s classes gain skills that will help them be better communicators and more empathetic individuals.

As an institution of higher learning with a decidedly Christian worldview, Tim helps students minister to others and sees education as worship and a response to God’s invitation to a relationship with Him.

Students who studied with Tim were asked “What did you find most beneficial about the course?” Their responses: “The way he takes you through every step and responds back to everything quickly.” “My writing skills improved tremendously.” “I love how personally ennobled you could be in a class and the dialogue between all attendants and community.”

Other comment about Tim:
“Tim’s teaching was very engaging. There was never a time when I thought going to class was a burden. Tim was an amazing professor.”

“I was intentionally taking the course because I ‘had to,’ but I appreciate Tim’s dedication to making it a learning experience for everyone. I am thankful that I was able to expand my knowledge of literature and also enjoy it! I appreciate class discussion…I am so glad it wasn’t just a note-taking course but interactive and engaging.”

“I found the class lectures to be really enlightening, and I appreciated the way he gave basic information for people not as familiar with some things, while also digging deeper for the people who were more knowledgeable.”

“I loved the reading and the assignments! I found each essay and the discussion in class very stimulating to think about. I felt like this class helped broaden my worldview and my faith.”

We encourage you to pray for Tim as he performs his duties as professor at Barclay College and for his personal life as well.

Barclay College, in Haviland, KS, provides on-campus and online undergrad programs, and a Master of Arts in Theology online with eight ministry concentrations. Barclay emphasizes a biblical foundation for evangelical faith traditions and offers Full Tuition Scholarships to dorm residents.

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