Faculty are the lifeblood of our institution. These outstanding men and women are directly responsible for delivering the top-of-the-line knowledge and training our college promises our students. It is their passion, hard work, and authentic interactions that help uphold the reputation our institution was built on. Each month we will be featuring a member of the Barclay faculty in our newsletter.
Education: B.A. from Barclay College in Bible/Theology, M.A. from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary in Religion, Ph.D. from Johnson University in Leadership Studies (dissertation subject: 19th-20th century American Quaker ecclesiology and pastoral theology).
Responsibilities: Vice President for Academic Services, Chair of the Pastoral Ministry program, joined the faculty at Barclay in 2011. Previously served as Chaplain, Vice President for Distance Education, Vice President for Graduate Studies, Director of Transformational Leadership and Pastoral Ministry concentrations in our M.A. program.
Family: Wife-Jessica, Children-Sarah (10) and Sophia (10)
Interests: Reading
Publications: “On Quakers and Pastors,” published by Barclay Press. Multiple articles and scholarly presentations. Book contract with Brill Academic Publishers (to be published 2022).

Dr. Derek Brown, V.P. Academic Services
Derek, the Professor: When a student comes to Barclay College to study Pastoral Ministry, what they can expect?
An expert in Quaker ecclesiology (study of the church) and practical theology who has researched, written and published in this discipline. A scholar dedicated to the theological foundations and the practical applications of ministry. Someone who journeys with the students during their studies and continues the mentoring after graduation. Great lecturer, who keeps one’s attention with quotes and information exhibiting a prodigious memory, intelligence, and scholarly vocabulary.
When a parent sends their son/daughter to Barclay College to study Pastoral Ministry, what can they expect?
They can have the assurance that their student will have opportunities to fill the pulpit and gain real life experience in ministry, opportunities that larger programs/schools can’t provide for every student. Rural churches need pulpit supply, pastors are available for internships, churches welcome student-pastors. They will be mentored throughout their time at Barclay; and that as much as possible, Derek will use his knowledge of the student (strengths/weaknesses) to help them prayerfully discuss their first ministry assignment.
A few responses from Derek’s students from course evaluations:
Derek made the class fun. It is a topic that people tend to stay away from, but he made the class discussion-based. The forum at the end of the semester was the best part. It was a class that really stretched my mind to think about what I believe.
Derek was a great teacher. He simply taught the information, provoked deep thinking about the subject matter, then pointed us in the right direction to find the answers we were looking for.
I really like talking about postmodernism and the emerging church because learning the historical models of ministry are interesting and important, the contextualization of the church models to our society is more important.
Great discussions. I really felt prepared for pastoral ministry from this class. The project was awesome and really opened my eyes. I loved the way we discussed life and ministry. It truly was a great time for growth and development.