Mentor Covenant Agreement First Name: Last Name: E-mail: I agree to mentor for 10 months beginning in July through April during their time with Kaleo Academy. I agree to meet for mentoring meetings 2-4 times per month or at least 4 total hours per month in order to best love, support, and encourage my student on their journey. I agree to regularly (3 + times/month) attend church to personally grow in my relationship with Christ in order to encourage my student’s growth. My beliefs fall in line with those of the evangelical Friends Church and Barclay College. Refer to this link: If I am unable to attend Theology Camp, I agree to watch brief training videos online to best prepare me for the mentoring experience. I agree to abstain from alcohol or tobacco use around my student including concealing any containers in my home during their visits. I agree to maintain confidentiality with my student by not sharing anything they share with me during our mentoring time without first seeking their permission, unless that information is concerning to me. If they tell me something that leads me to believe they are in harm from themselves, from others, or might cause harm to others, I will pass that along to the Mentor Coordinator and my pastor for guidance with how to proceed. I agree to offer guidance, encouragement, and support for my student’s Released Project throughout the year. I agree to follow along with the provided curriculum topics each month to support my student's learning during Kaleo Academy. I agree to communicate with and offer periodic feedback to the Kaleo Academy staff over the course of the year to offer suggestions for how to improve the program for future Kaleo Academy classes.By signing below, I acknowledge that I agree to all of the above statements and will uphold them to the best of my ability. Date Please sign below: