


Distinctly Christian …
Unapologetically Quaker


LATEST SYMPOSIUM | November 16, 2021
“On the Christian Heart of Quakerism.”
Kevin Mortimer, M.A., M.Div.
Academic symposiums that cater to upper level undergraduate students, graduate students, and professional workers
at large who want to advance the conversation concerning topics vital to current Christian practice.

"Vital resource for twenty-first century"

“The Robert Barclay Institute is a vital resource for twenty-first century Friends of all persuasions to engage in innovative thinking, creative dialogue, academic research, and scholarly writing in the spirit of Robert Barclay’s intellectual brilliance and spiritual awareness.”

DAVE KINGREY | Director, M.A. Quaker Studies, Barclay College, Director, M.A. Spiritual Formation, Barclay College


“This invaluable resource discloses quality Quaker scholarship to our students globally for learning, and more importantly, for participation in the major dialogues happening among Friends today.”

AARON STOKES | Director. Distance Learning, Barclay College B.A. Bible & Theology, M.A. Quaker Studies, Barclay College


“The Robert Barclay Institute exists for those who believe God is not yet finished with Quakerism; that through our distinctive faith and praxis, Friends can and will change the world for Christ. The Institute is the hub that connects those whose fire and passion for God mirrors that of Fox and other valiant early Quakers. Through research, collaboration, and publishing, the Institute can help ensure the Christian foundation of Quakerism thrives in the 21st-century.”

— DEREK BROWN, Ph.D. | Vice President, Graduate Studies, Barclay College, B.A. Barclay College, M.A.R. Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary Ph.D. Johnson University


“The Robert Barclay Institute is a light and way forward for modern day Quaker theologians.”

— JESSE WALLER | Chaplain, Topeka Correctional Facility, M.A. Quaker Studies, Barclay College


“Participating in the Robert Barclay Institute forces us to look at our past and engage our future with greater wisdom and focus.”

— AARON KICK | Youth Leader, Kansas City, B.A. Theology & Worship Arts, Barclay College


“Those of us who desire to live as faithful Friends of Jesus in this day and age can use all of the help we can get. If you are eager to enlarge your capacity to love God with all of your mind, as well as your heart, soul and strength (Mt 22:37), you will find a faithful partner in the Robert Barclay Institute.”

— DAVID O. WILLIAMS | General Superintendent, Evangelical Friends Church-Mid America Yearly Meeting, Founder and Professor, M.A. Spiritual Formation, Barclay College


“As Director of Kaleo Academy, National Friends Youth Training, I am thankful for the Robert Barclay Institute’s forward thinking in making an impact on the future of the Friends Movement for the high school students Kaleo Academy is working with now.”

— BROCKIE FOLLETTE | Director, Kaleo Academy, Chaplain, Barclay College, B.A. Christian Education, M.A. Family Ministries, Barclay College


“The Robert Barclay Institute exists to help inform Christians and Quakers of every stripe the very real and applicable testimonies and theology of the early Friends movement. There is a rich tradition to be found within Quakerism, and the Robert Barclay Institute seeks to help provide the map to it.”

— NATE PERRIN | M.A. Quaker Studies, Barclay College