Quaker Leaders Who Transformed The World
By David Kingrey, D.Min.

During the years that David taught courses on Friends History and Beliefs at Barclay College, David became more aware of the transformational leadership of the Quakers. Their transformative power has come from their faithfulness to Jesus’ teaching in John 15:14, “You are my friends if you do what I command you.” Friends received their name from this passage of Scripture. Quaker Leaders Who Transformed the World gives a brief narrative of major Friends leaders in each century from the beginning of the Quaker movement to the present. These life sketches are not intended to be full biographies, but profiles of Quaker leaders, etched in their history-making roles of transforming lives, society, and the world. Hopefully, the reader will be inspired to research more deeply their lives and ministries that changed the world.
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About the Author
David Kingrey, D.Min.