Graduate Professors

John Knox
John Knox, PhD
Professor of Research and Graduate Studies
  Email John
Dan Kramer
Dan Kramer, MEd
Assoc. VP of Global Programs; Dean, Institute of Biblical Translation
  Email Dan
Jim LeShana
Jim LeShana, PhD
Missiology, Pastoral Ministries
  Email Jim
David Mabry
David Mabry
Director, Family Ministries
  Email David
David Mercadante
David Mercadante, DMin
Pastoral Ministries (Affiliate Professor), Transformational Leadership
  Email David
Tim Roehl
Tim Roehl, DMin
Missiology, Church Planting
  Email Tim
David Williams
David Williams, DMin
Pastoral Ministries, Spiritual Formation
  Email David
Raymond Willis
Raymond Willis, PhD Candidate
Missiology, Pastoral Ministry, Transformational Leadership
  Email Raymond
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Paul Anderson, PhD
New Testament

A student of D. Elton Trueblood in seminary, Dr. Anderson became fascinated with the Gospel of John and, in addressing the tensions in John’s Christology in his doctoral work, found himself applying cognitive-critical analysis to the history and development of Gospel traditions. That provided an interdisciplinary approach to some of the Johannine riddles that have perplexed scholars for several centuries now.

Anderson received a BA in Psychology and Christian Ministries at Malone University and pursued graduate studies at Trinity Lutheran Seminary and Portland State University. He received an MDiv from the Earlham School of Religion and a PhD from Glasgow University.

Dr. Anderson was a founding member of the John, Jesus, and History Project (SBL, 2002-2016) and has co-edited six of its volumes:

Vol. 1, Critical Appraisals of Critical Views (2007);
Vol. 2, Aspects of Historicity in the Fourth Gospel (2009);
Vol. 3, Glimpses of Jesus through the Johannine Lens (2016);
Vol. 4, Communities in Dispute (2014);
Vol. 5, John and Judaism (2017).
Vol. 6, Archaeology, John, and Jesus (2024)

His own book on the subject, The Fourth Gospel and the Quest for Jesus, argues for a more nuanced view, a new paradigm for understanding John’s composition, relations to other traditions, and likely contributions to the quest for Jesus. His approach to John’s “dialogical autonomy” builds upon his new paradigm for seeing John as an independent Jesus tradition, alongside the others: “a Bi-Optic Hypothesis.”

Anderson’s new contextual introduction to the New Testament (From Crisis to Christ, 2014) builds bridges between original contexts of biblical writings and today's contexts; Following Jesus (2013), poses a dynamic view of radical discipleship. Author of over 200 published essays, he is editor of three book series: Biblical Interpretation (E.J. Brill), the Johannine Monograph series (Wipf & Stock), and Quakers and the Disciplines (FAHE).

Paul Anderson taught in the College of Christian Studies at Anderson University since January 1989. He also teaches at George Fox University. He has served as a pastor in three Friends Churches (West River, Indiana; Reedwood, and Clackamas Park, Oregon) and in a number of youth ministry and music ministry capacities. He also edited Evangelical Friend (1990-1994) and Quaker Religious Thought (2000-2011) and served as visiting associate professor at Yale Divinity School, a visiting scholar at Princeton Theological Seminary, a DAAD professor at the University of Mainz, and a Fulbright Specialist at the Radboud University of Nijmegen. He also serves as Extraordinary Professor of Religion at North-West University of Potchefstroom, South Africa and as an adjunct instructor at Barclay College.


  • Anatomies of the Gospels and Beyond; A Festschrift for R. Alan Culpepper (Mikeal Parsons, Elizabeth Struthers Malbon, Paul N. Anderson, eds.) Brill 2018
  • The Literary Devices in John’s Gospel, (Paul N. Anderson and R. Alan Culpepper, eds.) Wipf and Stock 2018.
  • John and Judaism: A Contested Relationship in Context (Paul Anderson, Alan Culpepper eds.) Society of Biblical Literature 2017.
  • John, Jesus, and History, Volume 3: Glimpses of Jesus through the Johannine Lens (Paul N. Anderson, Felix Just, S.J., Tom Thatcher, eds.) Society of Biblical Literature 2016.
  • From Crisis to Christ: A Contextual Introduction to the New Testament, Abingdon Press 2014.
  • Communities in Dispute: Current Scholarship on the Johannine Epistles (R. Alan Culpepper, Paul N. Anderson, eds.) Society of Biblical Literature 2014.
  • The Riddles of the Fourth Gospel: An Introduction to John, Fortress Press 2011.
  • The Christology of the Fourth Gospel: Its Unity and Disunity in the Light of John 6, Wipf and Stock 2010 (3rd ed.)
  • John, Jesus, and History, Volume 2: Aspects of Historicity in the Fourth Gospel, (Paul N. Anderson, Felix Just, S.J., Tom Thatcher, eds.) John and Society of Biblical Literature 2009.
  • John, Jesus, and History, Volume 1: Critical Appraisals of Critical Views, (Paul N. Anderson, Felix Just, S.J., Tom Thatcher, eds.) Society of Biblical Literature 2007.
  • The Fourth Gospel and the Quest for Jesus, (T&T Clark 2006)

Articles and chapters

  • “Encounter, Dissonance, and Dialectical Reflection in the Development of Paul’s Theology—A Cognitive-Critical Analysis,” in Anatomies of the Gospels and Beyond: Essays in Honor of R. Alan Culpepper, Mikeal Parsons, Elizabeth Struthers Malbon, and Paul N. Anderson, eds., Biblical Interpretation Series 164 (Leuven: E.J. Brill, 2018), pp. 416–33.
  • “The Johannine Riddles and their Place in the Development of Trinitarian Theology,” The Bible and Early Trinitarian Theology, ed. Christopher A. Beeley and Mark E. Weedman, Studies in Early Christianity 5 (Washington DC: Catholic University Press, 2018), pp. 84–108.
  • “Anti-Semitism and Religious Violence as Flawed Interpretations of the Gospel of John.” John and Judaism: A Contested Relationship in Context, R. Alan Culpepper and Paul N. Anderson, eds., Resources for Biblical Study 87 (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2017), pp. 265–311.
  • “The Johannine Logos-Hymn: A Cross-Cultural Celebration of God’s Creative-Redemptive Work.” In Creation Stories in Dialogue: The Bible, Science, and Folk Traditions(Radboud Prestige Lecture Series by Alan Culpepper), R. Alan Culpepper and Jan van der Watt, eds., BINS 139 (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2016), pp. 219–242.
  • “Bakhtin’s Dialogism and the Corrective Rhetoric of the Johannine Misunderstanding Dialogue: Exposing Seven Crises in the Johannine Situation.” In Bakhtin and Genre Theory in Biblical Studies; Semeia Studies 63. Edited by Roland Boer (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2007), pp. 133–59.
  • “On Guessing Points and Naming Stars—The Epistemological Origins of John’s Christological Tensions.” In The Gospel of St. John and Christian Theology (Richard Bauckham and Carl Mosser, eds.) pp. 311–45. Eerdmans 2007.
  • “Aspects of Historicity in John: Implications for Archaeological and Jesus Studies.” In Jesus and Archaeology, James Charlesworth, ed. (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2006), pp. 587–618.
  • “Jesus Matters: A Response to Professors Borg, Powell, and Kinkel.” Quaker Religious Thought 30:4, #98 (2002): 43-54.
  • “Mark and John—the Bi-Optic Gospels.” In Jesus in Johannine Tradition (ed. by Robert Fortna and Tom Thatcher), pp. 175–88. John Knox Press 2001.
  • “On Jesus: Quests for Historicity, and the History of Recent Quests.” Quaker Religious Thought 29:4, #94 (2000): 5-39. (1999): 33-57.
  • “The Sitz im Lebenof the Johannine Bread of Life Discourse and its Evolving Context,” Critical Readings of John 6, Alan Culpepper, ed. Biblical Interpretation Supplemental Series 22 (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1997), pp. 1–59.
  • “The Cognitive Origins of John’s Christological Unity and Disunity.” Horizons in Biblical Theology; An International Dialogue 17 (1995): 1-24.
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Bruce Bell, DMin
Pastoral Ministries

Bruce D. Bell is a graduate of Malone University, Wheaton College, and Ashland Seminary. At Ashland, his biggest passion was to train and prepare the next generations of pastors and missionaries for the work to which God is calling them.

Professor Bell retired after pastoring in mostly Friends Churches for 44 years. He served as a Youth Pastor for about six years and then the Lead Pastor for the following 38 years.

He has been married to Judy for 42 years, and they enjoy camping, gardening, singing, and fishing together. They have four children, three great in-laws and six grandchildren. Two of their children are millennials who are in full-time ministry. He recently retired as the Pastor of Friends Worship Center where he served for 18 years. He has also been involved in Celebrate Recovery for the past 14 years and has led a CR Inside program at Madison Correctional since 2006. Professor Bell began as an Adjunct Professor at Barclay College in 2011.

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John Knox, PhD
Professor of Research and Graduate Studies

Dr. John S. Knox received a PhD in Theology and Religion from the University of Birmingham, an MA in Sociology from Arizona State University, an MA in Theological Studies: Christian History and Thought from George Fox University, and nearly an MA in Psychology from Liberty University. He also earned a BA in English and History from Oregon State University.

His doctoral dissertation investigated radical religious individualism in the West, which he termed, "Sacro-Egoism." Key features of this postmodern personal approach to religiosity and spirituality include: a radical authority/priority of the self, an antagonism or ambivalence to institutionalism, a personal or pragmatic commitment to the spiritual journey (specifically concerning Jesus and the Bible), and an openness to and toleration of non-traditional beliefs and practices.

Dr. Knox also teaches Apologetics, Pastoral Counseling, and supervises MA Thesis students at Liberty University as well graduate Church History at Multnomah University’s Seminary. He loves his students' inquisitiveness, enthusiasm, and "Ah!" moments over the material.

He has written numerous books and articles listed below.

  • The Blind Scientist: Illuminating the Myopic Methodology of Neo-Darwinism, Wipf & Stock (Spring 2024).
  • Seeing the Light: Evidence and Distractions in Near-Death Experiences, Wipf & Stock (Spring 2023).
  • Sociology is Rude: A Concise Introduction to Sociological Theories (2nd Ed.), Kendall-Hunt (Fall 2022).
  • Freedom in Christ: The Way of Truth for the Postmodern Heart, Wipf & Stock (Fall 2022).
  • Deconverted: The Deconstruction and Dismantling of the Contemporary Church, Wipf & Stock (2022).
  • A Lexicon of Religious Facts and Figures (1st Ed.), Kendall-Hunt (2021).
  • Matters of the Dark, Kendall-Hunt (2020).
  • The Letter of Alon (Reprint), Wipf & Stock (2020).
  • But Children Matter: Successful Children’s Ministry Volunteerism Strategies, Wipf & Stock (2020).
  • A Lexicon of Sociological Terms and Theorists (2nd Ed.). Kendall-Hunt (2019).
  • Jacobus Arminius Stands His Ground: A Declaration Against High Calvinism, Wipf & Stock (2018).
  • God in the Details: A Biblical Survey of the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures, Kendall-Hunt (2017).
  • John Wesley’s 52 Standard Sermons: An Annotated Summary, Wipf & Stock (2017).
  • Sacro-Egoism: The Rise of Religious Individualism in the West, Wipf & Stock (2016).
  • The Letter of Alon, CrossLink Publishing (2013).
  • Maps, Charts, and Illustrations. In Caitlin Corning, The Celtic and Roman Traditions (Springer, 2006).
  • Buck Rogers vs. Morbius, Oregon State University Press (1978).
  • "Built on the Rock of Faith: Models of Faith in Turbulent Times," Faith and the Academy 6:1 (Fall 2021).
  • "Penn, Pennsylvania, and "A Vision for Interdisciplinary Engagement from Leadership and Social History," Faith and the Academy 4:1 (Fall 2020). 
  • "Christian Community in an Age of Radical Individualism," Faith and the Academy 3:2 (Spring 2019).
  • "Friedrich Schleiermacher: Theological Precursor of Postmodernity," Church Life Journal (November 2018).
  • "Looking for the New Atheist Virgil," Church Life Journal (August 2018).
  • "Franciscus Gomarus: Arminius’ Adamant Adversary," The Arminian Magazine 34:1 (Spring 2016).
  • "First Century Christianity," Kardia: The Journal for Student Spiritual Life 1, no. 2 (Oct. 2015): 2.
  • "The Value of Biblical Education," Kardia: The Journal for Student Spiritual Life 1, no. 1 (Aug. 2015): 2-3.
  • "Future Emphasis of the Church in the Pacific Northwest," (Spring 2014).
  • "Radical Individualism in the Modern World (Parts 1–2)," (Spring 2014).
  • "Getting Acquainted With Arminius (Parts 1–6)," The Arminian Magazine (2010–2013).
  • "Sacro-Egoism and the Shifting Paradigm of Religiosity," Implicit Religion 11, no. 2 (2008).
  • "Did You Hear The Train Whistle?" The Student (1996).
Several encyclopedia articles with
  • "John Knox on Female Leadership" (March 2023)
  • "William Penn’s Holy Experiment" (June 2022)
  • "Scripture, Faith, the Sacraments, and the Holy Spirit in Calvin’s Institutes" (April 2022).
  • "Abraham, Definition of" (2020).
  • "Ancient World Time Chart," Ancient History Encyclopedia. (2020).
  • "King David, Definition of" (2017).
  • "King Solomon, Definition of" (2017).
  • "Christianity, Definition of" (2016).
  • "Cultural and Theological Background of Mummification in Egypt" (2016).
  • "The Didache: A Moral and Liturgical Document of Instruction" (2016).
  • "The Eastern Perspective on the Trinity" (2016).
  • "Gregory the Great & His Pastoral Care" (2016).
  • "Ignatius of Antioch & His Letter to the Ephesians" (2016)
  • "The "Monastic Movement: Origins & Purposes" (2016).
  • "Ptolemy’s Letter to Flora" (2016).
  • "Saint Augustine & His Confession of Faith" (2016).
Assorted entries in The Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States, Rowman & Littlefield (Fall 2016):
  • "Africa Inland Mission"
  • "J. William Jones"
  • "Alexander Garden"
  • "John Harvey Kellogg"
  • "Alpha Jefferson Kynett"
  • "John Lathrop"
  • "Alvin Daniel Mattson"
  • "Jonathan Paul Mitchell"
  • "Benjamin Franklin Jacobs"
  • "Missionaries in/to the United States"
  • "Bernard J. Sheil"
  • "Paul John Hallinan"
  • "C.N. Hostetter"
  • "Ralph H. Long"
  • "Cortland Myers"
  • "Robert J. McCracken"
  • "Friends General Conference"
  • "William Sayle"
  • "Friends United Meeting"
  • "William George McCloskey"
Several book reviews with:
  • "Altar of Eden," (2016)
  • "The Cambridge Introduction to W.B. Yeats," (2016).
  • "Ernest Hemingway (Bloom’s Modern Critical Views)," (2016).
  • "Isaac Newton: Adventurer in Thought by A. Rupert Hall," (2016).
  • "Leonardo Da Vinci: In His Own Words," (2016).
  • "Leonardo to the Internet: Technology & Culture From the Renaissance to the Present," (2016).
  • "Kant: A Guide for the Perplexed by T.K. Seung," (2016).
  • "Rousseau: Arguments of the Philosophers," (2016).
  • A Book Review of "Spiritual Literacy in John Wesley's Methodism: Reading, Writing, and Speaking to Believe by Vicki Tolar Burton," The English Letter: Oregon State University (2009).
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Dan Kramer, MEd
Assoc. VP of Global Programs; Dean, Institute of Biblical Translation

Dan Kramer received a master’s in education from Wayne State University and is currently a PhD candidate at the same institution. He holds a BS in Education and a BAA in Journalism from Central Michigan University. He also serves as the Associate VP for Global Programs and Partnerships at Barclay College

As director of the Biblical Translation concentration, Dan teaches specialized courses related to the work of biblical translation. He loves the impact of actual fieldwork in biblical translation. “To see this work unfold isn’t just inspiring, it can leave people in awe of what God is doing,” he says.

Dan worked for 13 years in the field of education as faculty at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, as well as in a public education job implementing a program for teaching English to newly immigrated refugee students from war-torn nations. In the fall of 2009, he accepted a call to serve in Wycliffe Associates to create an English program to serve the needs of Bible translation. Within three years, this program spanned across 25 countries, with a developed staff of over 30 people.

In 2014, the creation of MAST (Mobilized Assistance Supporting Translation) was piloted in Nepal changing the landscape of the mission of Bible translation.

Dan spent 11 years at Wycliffe Associates as the Director of Education Services and then Executive Director of Strategic Programs where he has managed hundreds of teams and partnerships engaging in Bible translation.

Currently, he also serves as the Vice President of Strategic Initiatives at Our Daily Bread. As a father of six children, he manages a balance of global travel and a love to be home, realizing the important balance of a strong family foundation to ministry. It is Dan’s desire to see the end of Bible poverty, but ultimately to follow God in his path for His desire to impact people through relevant programs.

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Jim LeShana, PhD
Missiology, Pastoral Ministries

Dr. Le Shana has a long history with Barclay College where he served as the Academic VP and Director of the School of Graduate Studies at Barclay College (2012-2018). Currently, he serves as the General Superintendent of the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church (2018-present), and in a wide variety of other leadership and governance roles. He is the Director of the International Friends Church Multiplication Conferences and Evangelical Friends Church Planting and serves on the boards of many groups, including George Fox University, Twin Rocks Friends Camp, Camp Tilikum, The Friends Center at Azusa Pacific University, and Evangelical Friends Mission.

Dr. Le Shana received a PhD in History from the University of California, Riverside. His minor was 19th-Century America, and his focus field was Religion in America. His dissertation topic is "Heavenly Plantations: Quakers in Colonial North Carolina."

Prior to that, he earned an MA in History from the University of California, Riverside; an MDiv from Azusa Pacific University; and an MA in Theology and Marriage and Family Ministries from Fuller Theological Seminary. He received a BA from George Fox College.

Currently he teaches The Missional Church, and Friends History: Birth, Growth, and Organization. He also teaches an undergraduate class in Church Planting. "I enjoy the opportunity to interact with students from a wide range of backgrounds and experience,” he says. “I continue to learn from my students even as they are learning and interacting with me and each other.”

“Whether we are looking at what believers have done in the past (and learning from their successes and missteps), or envisioning missional possibilities for the present and future, it is a joy to see students achieve those ‘aha!’ moments when the pieces of academic insight and real-life ministry potential come together,” he continues.

He has been married to Jeanine for over 40 years and has four children and three grandsons.

He has published several articles:
  • “The Hope of Multiplication” in Quaker Life (Richmond, Indiana: Friends United Press, May/June, 2013). An essay to promote a new vision for evangelism and a church planting movement.
  • “Beyond the Myth: A Review of the Journal of Elias Hicks and Dear Friend: Letters and Essays of Elias Hicks” in Quaker Religious Thought (Newberg, Oregon: George Fox University Press, 2012, No. 119). Presented at the American Academy of Religion meetings, Quaker Theological Discussion Group, 2011.
  • “A Review of Holiness: The Soul of Quakerism” in Quaker Religious Thought (Newberg, Oregon: George Fox University Press, 2008, No. 111). Presented at the American Academy of Religion meetings, Quaker Theological Discussion Group, 2007.
  • Evangelical Friends History: Birth, Growth, and Organization (Azusa, California: Friends Center at Azusa Pacific University, 2003). A CD-ROM survey of the Friends Church from its origins in the 17th century to the present.
  • “Joel and Hannah Bean” in Historical Dictionary of the Friends (Quakers) (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2003).
  • “The Indians’ Friends: Quakers and Native Americans in the Seventeenth Century,” in Truth’s Bright Embrace: Essays and Poems in Honor of Arthur O. Roberts (Newberg, Oregon: George Fox University Press, 1996), pp. 101-116.
  • “Friends and Baptism: A Declaration of Independence,” in The Richmond Declaration of Faith (Richmond, Indiana: Friends United Press, 1992), pp. 38-48.
  • “An Historical Perspective on Friends Evangelism,” in Quakers and Evangelism (Richmond, Indiana: Friends United Press, 1991), pp. 2-30.
  • Other articles have appeared in Quaker Life, Fruit of the Vine, and the Conversation Café.
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David Mabry
Director, Family Ministries

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Steve Mann, PhD
Old Testament

Dr. Steve Mann
Professor, Old Testament Hermeneutics

"I think the Old Testament is fun! I love walking through Scripture with other people, especially those who share my conviction that the biblical texts are trying to equip us in our faith in Jesus. I believe that reading the Bible in community can enable the text to transform our thinking, as we listen to ideas and insights from different readers."

These words from Dr. Steve Mann who teaches Old Testament Hermeneutics, reflect his academic studies: He earned a PhD in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary, with an emphasis in Old Testament and Hermeneutics. He also earned an MDiv from Azusa Pacific Seminary and a BA in Music Education from Azusa Pacific University.

His doctoral dissertation was entitled, "Run, David, Run!  An Application of Speech Act Theory in a Literary Analysis of David’s Departure." (2 SAM 15:1–17:24). A versiona appeared later in his 2013 book, Run, David, Run! An Investigation of the Theological Speech Acts of David’s Departure and Return (2 Samuel 14–20). Siphrut 10. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2013.

Dr. Mann also teaches Bible courses at Azusa Pacific University and serves as the Chair of the Seminary there. He lives in Apple Valley, CA, with his wife Rachel and has four children.

Other published work includes:

  • Peer-Reviewed Articles
    • "Let There Be Cain: A Clash of Imaginations in Genesis 4." Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 46:1 (2021): 79-95.
    • "Ask and You Shall Intercede: The Peculiar Perlocutionary Power of Asking God Questions." Bulletin for Biblical Research 29.2 (2019), 208-224.
    • "Performative Prayers of a Prophet: Investigating the Prayers of Jonah as Speech Acts." Catholic Biblical Quarterly 79 (2017) 20-40.
    • "‘You’re Fired’: An Application of Speech Act Theory to 2 Samuel 15.23–16.14," Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 33.3 (2009): 315-334.
  •  Book Chapters
    • "Ask and You Shall Intercede: The Power of a Prayerful Imagination." Pages 154-171 in Speaking with God: Probing Old Testament Prayers for Contemporary Significance. Edited by Phillip Camp and Elaine Phillips.  McMaster Divinity College Press, 2021.
    • Entries in Theological Dictionaries
    • The Baker Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words. Mark Strauss and Tremper Longman III, eds.  Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2023.
    • "Holy Spirit." Pages 176-179 in The Global Wesleyan Encyclopedia of Biblical Theology. Robert D. Branson, ed. Kansas City: The Foundry Publishing, 2020.
    • The Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary. Edited by Tremper Longman III. Baker Books, 2013.
  •  Book Reviews
    • "Review of Jonah: Introduction and Commentary", by Amy Erickson. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 84 (2022): 299-300.
  •  Devotionals
    • "Daily Devotions out of Luke 4–5. Pages 70-77 in Fruit of the Vine. Edited by Cleta Crisman, Eric Muhr, and Kati Voth. Newberg, OR: Barclay Press, 2023.
    • "Daily Devotions out of I Samuel 3–7." Pages 40-47 in Fruit of the Vine. Edited by Cleta Crisman, Eric Muhr, and Kati Voth. Newberg, OR: Barclay Press, 2022.
    • "Daily Devotions out of Numbers/In the Wilderness." Pages 40-47 in Fruit of the Vine. Edited by Cleta Crisman, Eric Muhr, and Kati Voth. Newberg, OR: Barclay Press, 2021.
    • "Daily Devotions out of Psalms." Pages 100-107 in Fruit of the Vine. Edited by Cleta Crisman, Eric Muhr, and Kati Voth. Newberg, OR: Barclay Press, 2020.
    • "Daily Devotions out of Acts 15-17." Pages 92-99 in Fruit of the Vine. Edited by Cleta Crisman, Eric Muhr, and Kati Voth. Newberg, OR: Barclay Press, 2019.
    • "Daily Devotions out of Isaiah 54-55." Pages 20-27 in Fruit of the Vine. Edited by Cleta Crisman, Eric Muhr, and Kati Voth. Newberg, OR: Barclay Press, 2018.
    • "Daily Devotions out of 2 Kings." Pages in Fruit of the Vine. Edited by Cleta Crisman and Judy Woolsey. Newberg, OR: Barclay Press, 2017.
    • "Daily Devotions out of Philippians." Pages 16-23 in Fruit of the Vine. Edited by Cleta Crisman and Judy Woolsey. Newberg, OR: Barclay Press, 2016.
    • "Daily Devotions out of Genesis." Pages 100-107 in Fruit of the Vine. Edited by Cleta Crisman and Judy Woolsey. Newberg, OR: Barclay Press, 2015.
    • "Rumor and Revival: A Reading of Joshua 22," Daily Press, February 9, 2013, Religion section, Victor Valley & the High Desert edition.
  •  Blogs/Electronic Publications
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David Mercadante, DMin
Pastoral Ministries (Affiliate Professor), Transformational Leadership

Dr. Mercadante earned a Doctorate of Ministry in Pastoral Theology from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. He received a Master of Divinity with a concentration in New Testament studies from Wake Forest University Divinity School and a BA in Religion from High Point University in North Carolina. His doctoral dissertation was “Anxious for the Fray - Building Community and Fighting Addictions in a Rural Congregational Context.”

Dr. Mercadante teaches in our Quaker Studies, Pastoral Ministries, and Familly Ministries concentrations.

Dr. Mercadante is the Director of Leadership Development for the Evangelical Friends Church - Eastern Region. He accepted the invitation to join the EFC-ER team in March 2021. Before joining EFC-ER, he served as the Senior Pastor of Poplar Ridge Friends Meeting in Trinity, North Carolina, and as Ministry Director of Atlantic Friends Christian Ministries. In 2017, Dave founded Love InDeed, a non-profit ministry that serves under-resourced residents of Randolph County, NC.

He has been married to Emily since 2006 and they have four children: Lucy, Maggie, Oliver, and Hope. Some of his pastimes include reading, running, gardening, chess, and maintaining his hobby farm (with goats and chickens!).

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Folashade Oloyede, PhD
Biblical Translation

Dr. Folashade of Nigeria brings the School of Graduate Studies an international twist as instructor of several Biblical Translation courses: Translation Tools and Technology; Oral, Sign Language, and Special Needs Translation; and MAST Methodology.

Dr. Folashade completed both a PhD in English and an MDiv in Nigeria prior to receiving an MA in the Biblical Translation. Her master’s capstone project prepared her well for her teaching assignments: “Assessing Comprehension when Teaching Symbolic Universal Notation (SUN) with the Universal Kit versus when Teaching with Translated SUN Materials in Yoruba Language.”

Her PhD thesis was titled: “Delivery Constraints and Pragmatic Designs in Academic Sermons of Student-Pastors in the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminaries.”

Dr. Folashade appreciates the different perspectives class members bring as they engage with the courses and is gratified at the thought that the courses help make the Word of God accessible to people of other ethnicities in their heart language.

Her husband Akinwale is also a theological educator, and they have two daughters.

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Emmanuel Oyemomi, PhD
Biblical Translation

Dr. Oyemomi’s first career was nursing, but when he began theological education, he was able to serve the Lord in both vocations.

Dr. Oyemomi received a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Theology from the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary as well as a PhD in New Testament. He also earned an MA in Christian Studies and a post graduate diploma in Journalism from Nigerian institutions. His doctorate dissertation is titled: “Pauline Theology of Spiritual Gifts and its Implications for Churches of the Nigerian Baptist Convention.”

He has published several other works, including Introduction to the Bible and Exegetical Theology Vol. 1 and 2, Essentials of Christian Preaching, Teach Yourself Music, The Pyramid of the Ministry, How to Succeed, and several other publications in local and international journals.

As an instructor in the Biblical Translation concentration, he enjoys taking the translation of the Word of God to other ethnic groups. He finds joy in seeing others improve and relating to people from other cultural backgrounds.

Dr. Oyemomi also serves as Theological Administrator and Rector of the Baptist College of Theology and as an accreditation representative of the Association for Christian Theological Education in West Africa. He was also a former leader and chairman of the West African Association of Theological Institutions.

He and his wife have raised three children, whom he proudly comments “have completed their university education and love to be entrepreneurs,” (just like their father).

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Tim Roehl, DMin
Missiology, Church Planting

Dr. Roehl earned a DMin in Transformational Leadership for Church Multiplication Movements from Baake Graduate University, a Master of Church management from Olivert Nazarene University, and a BA in Bible and Pastoral Ministry from Vennard College.

His doctoral dissertation was co-authored with Steve Ogne, and it became the book TransforMissional Coaching: Equipping Leaders in a Changing Ministry World, available on Amazon.

Dr. Roehl says his calling is to “lead leaders to discovery, clarity, and destiny for the sake of eternity. When I get to equip leaders to live out their calling, it is a joy! When those I equip feel empowered and encouraged that 'Lord, with You I can do this!', I rejoice. When I know I’ve equipped leaders with skills that are practical and possible, both spiritual and strategic…and it means more people will be in heaven, I know I’ve fulfilled my calling!”

At Barclay he teaches Church Multiplication, and several of his book are used in other classes. He is also the President and Itinerant Multiplier of the Fit & Flourish Network, which has worked with leaders from over 90 organizations and 90 nationals around the world.

Dr. Roehl has been married to Shirley for 43 years and has two married daughters who love Jesus and are involved in ministry. He has four grandsons and a scruffy pup named Kirby.

Dr. Roehl has published other books including:

  • Christmas Hearts: Images of Immanuel Through the Eyes of Those Who Saw Him First
  • Surprised by Grace: Stories of Jesus the LifeMender
  • The Day That Changed Forever: Twenty-one Life-Changing Experiences at the Cross
  • Game Plan: Developing Intentional Missional Ministry
  • Fit and Flourish: Discovering How God Created You to Make a Difference
  • Lead by Listening
  • Adventures of The Googs: Life Through a Kid’s Eyes with my grandson Xavier Does (coming out soon)
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David Williams, DMin
Pastoral Ministries, Spiritual Formation

Having served as a youth pastor, family pastor, senior pastor, campus pastor, and regional superintendent, Dr. Williams brings nearly 40 years of field experience to his current role as a "pastor to pastors." Dr. Williams has served in many capacities at Barclay College, including professor, chaplain, and administrator.

Dr. Williams currently serves as a Visiting Professor of Practical Ministry at Malone University and is Interim Director of Evangelical Friends Church International. He previously was the Lead Superintendent for Evangelical Friends Church-Mid America and served as Senior Pastor and Youth Pastor at numerous Friends Churches.

A graduate of Malone University (BA) and Ashland Theological Seminary (MA), David completed his doctorate (DMin) in Leadership and Spiritual Formation at George Fox University. His doctoral dissertation, “Sustaining Spiritual Leadership for the Long Haul,” provided the inspiration for his first book, Rhythms of Grace: Life-Saving Disciplines for Spiritual Leaders.

Dr. Williams teaches in our Pastoral Ministries and Spiritual Formation concentrations.

Dave and his wife, Carol, have been blessed with six children (Josiah, Sarah, Jeremiah, Hannah, Jessie, and Jasmine) and 12 grandchildren (Isaiah, Noah, Isabel, Abigail, Lincoln, Lydia, Cora, Levi, Eleanor, Henri, Luke, and Quinley). In addition to his love for the church, Dave enjoys sports, nature, travel, and spending lots of time with his family. When away from home, Dave’s favorite destination is a solitary cycling route on the Kansas prairie or a scenic hiking trail anywhere above timberline in the Rocky Mountains.


  • Rhythms of Grace: Life-Saving Disciplines for Spiritual Leaders. Newberg, OR: Barclay Press (2017).
  • Seasons of the Soul: A User-Friendly Introduction to the Ancient Paths of Prayer. Self-published (2015).
  • "Gentle Giants," Quaker Life (March/April 2014), 19.
  • "Metamorphosis," Quaker Life (January/February 2014), 22.
  • "Sustaining Spiritual Leadership for the Long Haul.” Doctor of Ministry Dissertation, George Fox University (2009).
  • "Discerning God's Call in an Age of Complexity & Confusion," ABHE Biblical Higher Education Journal (Winter 2008), 63-79.
  • "As for Me and My House: Fostering Mission and Service in and Through the Family," Evangelical Friend (May/June 1991), 2-3, 19.
  • "Vital Parent Ministry: A Ministry of Reconciliation," Evangelical Friend (March/April 1990), 8-9.

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Raymond Willis, PhD Candidate
Missiology, Pastoral Ministry, Transformational Leadership

Dr. Raymond Willis teaches Cross-Cultural Ministry in Local Perspectives and loves working with domestic and international students who are passionate about God’s mission in the world.

Dr. Willis is a PhD candidate in Intercultural Studies at Biola University. His dissertation is Negotiating Russian National Identity: A Qualitative Study Concerning the Construction of Hybridized Identities.

He also has earned master’s degrees in Public Policy and International Affairs from Regent University and Intercultural Studies from Biola University. His bachelor’s degree is in Theology and Missions from Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College.

Dr. Willis says the best thing about teaching is “taking students on a journey of discovering things and ideas that they may have never fully considered . . . and combatting the Dunning – Kruger Effect.”

He currently serves as Executive Pastor and Missions Pastor at Fellowship Church in Springfield, Ohio. He and his wife are initially from New England and have been married for 36 years. They have served in both the US and abroad and raised one biological daughter, Olivia, and two foster children, CJ and Car’Lynn. Most recently, they celebrated the arrival of their first grandchild, Judah, and await the second.