Worship Arts
There is not another area of ministry in the rich history of Barclay College that has so broadly impacted the lives of students and constituents than that of ministry through music. Today students can participate in Concert Choir, BC Singers, Worship Teams, Private Lessons, Music, Theatre, Stagecraft, Acting Class, Sound and Media, Dance Lessons, and Stage Management.

Pursuing the Worship Arts degree set me up for success. The music theory courses were some of the most helpful. They taught me all the rules (and exceptions) that I put into practice every week. I was also challenged by taking personal lessons in voice, piano, and guitar. I was able to participate in leading worship regularly during Chapel, providing real world experience that helped build me into the leader that I am today. Now I’m a full time Worship Pastor and get to do what I love.”
2013, B.A. Worship Arts
Pastor of Worship and Creative Arts,
Westbrook Christian Church, Bolingbrook IL